TCAD is a component that will help you write vector graphics applications. Shapes can be interacted with by mouse or code. support dynamic link line ,It is easy to use, effective and powerful. It will save you valuable time.General
- Multi OS and Develope tool supported
ToolsVS2003(.net1.1) VS2005(.net2.0) VS2008(.net 3.5)
Delphi2005 BDS2006 CodeGear RAD Studio 2007
TCAD for VCL OS Windows
ToolsC++Builder5 6
Delphi 5 6 7
Delphi2005 Borland Developer Studio 2006 CodeGear RAD Studio 2007 CodeGear RAD Studio 2009
Embarcadero RAD Studio 2010
TCAD for VCL.NET OS Windows
ToolsDelphi2005 BDS2006 CodeGear RAD Studio 2007
TCAD for Kylix OS Linux Tools
- Object pascal native source and Object orientated code
- Full source included only in enterprise version
- Library supported
- Rich API function support
- Link line supported
Basic function list
- Drawing shapes on the designer canvas by mouse actions or code.
- Modifying the drawed shapes.
- Support multi-layers, printing/deleting/visible/invisible layer(s).
- Using all colors possible.
- Using different style of pens ,different style of brushes if you need.
- Creating text objects with any font installed in the system.
- Necessarily shape action related events published.
- Using page formats like (A0,A1,A2,A3,A4,letter, etc.) or custom sizes.
- Undo actions
- Cutting, copying, flipping pasting and deleting the shapes.
- Sendtoback,Bringtofront all or be a step.
- Ordering the shapes(SendToBack, BringToFront, etc.)
- Rotating, Dragging and Scaling the shapes by mouse or code
- Aligning the shape in any style.
- Snapping the mouse point to grids or existed shape.
- Saving the drawing as disk file or stream(database) and opening it.
- Printing the drawing to the printer and/or plotter.
- Inserting bitmaps to the drawing.
- Scaling, rotating,dragging bitmaps like a shape.
- Locking/Unlocking Shape.
- Grouping and ungrouping the shapes.
- Zooming and panning, viewing the drawing in any scale .
- Showing hints when mouse enter into a shape.
Advance function list
- Can adjust Bright,Contrast for TMyImage and can GrayScale it
- Easy to create your library with Libmanager.exe
- Intelligent dynamic link line supported , using mouse or code, like MS VISIO
- Support line crossing and line breaking
- Support 24 gradient styles fill mode
- Exporting the drawing as WMF,bitmap,Jpg,dxf file.
- Import dxf file
- Setting user-define properties for every shape
- Support Rule line
- Support editing the child shape even it be combined
- Support multi-lines for TMyText shape
- Powerful inspector and easy to locate it
- has 8 hotspots.
- bitmap filling as texture for any shape.
Technical Support
- Ticket/e-mail based technical support
- Free assistance with installation and integration into your develop tool
- Documentation
- Code samples
- Examples
- Detailed documentation