You should include {$R MyNewFont.RES} line to the implementation section. For causing from a resource font is necessary to create an object of TResorceStream type and to add font with AddFontResource procedure. And for including font you should use the WM_FONTCHANGE message. There is a 'MYFONT' section which contents a font file in the resource file.
{$R MyNewFont.RES} ... procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var MyResStream: TResourceStream; begin MyResStream:=TResourceStream.Create(hInstance, 'MYFONT', RT_RCDATA); MyResStream.SavetoFile('Gen4.ttf'); AddFontResource(PChar('Gen4.ttf')); SendMessage(HWND_BROADCAST,WM_FONTCHANGE,0,0); Label1.Font.Charset:=SYMBOL_CHARSET; Label1.Font.Size:=24; Label1.Font.Name:='Gen4'; end;