Ins records of different length
If you want to use one function to insert records into different tables, then you may use open-array parameters.
procedure InsertRec(const S: array of const); begin Form1.Table1.AppendRecord(S); end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Table1.Active:=False; Table1.Tablename:='Animals.dbf'; Table1.Active:=True; InsertRec(['MyFish', 3, 5, 'MyAquarium']); end; procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin Table1.Active:=False; Table1.Tablename:='Clients.dbf'; Table1.Active:=True; InsertRec( ['MyLastName', 'MyFirstName', 100, 'MyAddress', 'MyTown']); end;