Insert/Update/Delete using by SQL
This example uses COUNTRY.DB database of DBDEMOS standard alias. SQL is a power tool for working with database. This example shows 3 main operations with database (Insert, Update and Delete record).
// Insert record procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin with Query1 do begin Active:=False; SQL.Clear; SQL.Add('Insert into country(NAME,CAPITAL,CONTINENT,AREA,POPULATION) values( ''A_My_Country'', ''A_My_Capital'', ''A_My_Continent'', 1, 1)'); ExecSQL; end; Table1.Refresh; end; // Delete record procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin with Query1 do begin Active:=False; SQL.Clear; SQL.Add('Delete from country where name=''A_My_Country'''); ExecSQL; end; Table1.Refresh; end; //Update record procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject); begin with Query1 do begin Active:=False; SQL.Clear; SQL.Add('Update country set name=''A_Your_Country'' where name=''A_My_Country'''); ExecSQL; end; Table1.Refresh; end;