Hook the mouse
This example shows a creation of a hook for the WM_RBUTTONDOWN and WM_RBUTTONUP messages of the mouse. By the first message we change color of the Panel1 and by second message we change color of the Panel2.
... type TMessageList = class(TList); var Form1: TForm1; MessageList: TMessageList = nil; MessageBuffer: TEventMsg; HookHandle: hHook = 0; MessageCount: Word = 0; Go: Boolean = False; Pan: array[0..5] of TPanel; implementation {$R *.DFM} procedure Stop; begin if Go then UnHookWindowsHookEx(HookHandle); MessageList.Free; Go:=False; end; function FBack(Code: Integer; wParam, lParam: LongInt): LongInt; stdcall; begin Inc(MessageCount); Randomize; if MessageCount>=MessageList.Count then Stop else MessageBuffer:=TEventMsg(MessageList.Items[MessageCount]^); Result:=CallNextHookEx(HookHandle, Code, wParam, lParam); Pan[MessageCount].Color:=RGB(Random(255), Random(255), Random(255)) end; procedure SetHook; begin MessageBuffer:=TEventMsg(MessageList.Items[0]^); MessageCount:=0; HookHandle:=SetWindowsHookEx(WH_MOUSE, FBack, hInstance, 0); Go:=True; end; procedure MakeMessage(Mes: Cardinal); var MyEvent: PEventMsg; begin New(MyEvent); with MyEvent^ do begin message:=Mes; ParamL:=50; ParamH:=50; Time:=GetTickCount; hWnd:=Form1.Handle; end; MessageList.Add(MyEvent); end; function SendMouse: Integer; begin try MessageList:=TMessageList.Create; MakeMessage(WM_RBUTTONDOWN); MakeMessage(WM_RBUTTONUP); SetHook; // set hook except end; Result:=0; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Pan[1]:=panel1; Pan[2]:=Panel2; SendMouse; end;