Convert binary to octal
Use BinToOct function to convert number in binary format to octal format.
function BinToOct(BinStr: string): string; var i: Integer; OctPart: Real; LastPart, OctStr: string; Error: Boolean; begin Error:=False; OctStr:=''; case Length(BinStr) mod 3 of 1: BinStr:='00'+BinStr; 2: BinStr:='0'+BinStr; end; while Length(BinStr)>0 do begin LastPart:=Copy(BinStr, Length(BinStr)-2, 3); Delete(BinStr, Length(BinStr)-2, 3); OctPart:=0; for i:=1 to 3 do if not (LastPart[i] in ['0', '1']) then begin ShowMessage('This is not binary number'); Error:=True; Break; end else OctPart:=OctPart+StrToInt(LastPart[i])*Power(2, 3-i); OctStr:=OctStr+FloatToStr(OctPart); end; Result:=''; if Error<>True then begin for i:=1 to Length(OctStr) do Result:=Result+OctStr[Length(OctStr)-i+1]; while (Result[1]='0') and (Length(Result)>1) do Delete(Result, 1, 1); end; end;