Create shortcut
This example shows, how to create your own link to Notepad. This link will have a 'MyNotePad.lnk' name and 'c:\MyNotePad.lnk' path. Use IShellLink interface and SetArgument, SetDescription and SetPath functions of this interface to set options of this link.
procedure CreateLink(const PathObj, PathLink, Desc, Param: string); var IObject: IUnknown; SLink: IShellLink; PFile: IPersistFile; begin IObject:=CreateComObject(CLSID_ShellLink); SLink:=IObject as IShellLink; PFile:=IObject as IPersistFile; with SLink do begin SetArguments(PChar(Param)); SetDescription(PChar(Desc)); SetPath(PChar(PathObj)); end; PFile.Save(PWChar(WideString(PathLink)), FALSE); end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin CreateLink('c:\windows\notepad.exe','c:\MyNotePad.lnk','',''); end;