Get information about system
Use GetSystemInfo procedure with variable of TSystemInfo type for getting system information.
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var MySystem: TSystemInfo; begin GetSystemInfo(MySystem); with Memo1.Lines do begin if (MySystem.wProcessorArchitecture=0) then Add('Intel architecture'); Add(FloatToStr(MySystem.dwPageSize)+' Kb page size'); Add(Format( 'Lowest memory address accessible to applications and DLL - %p', [MySystem.lpMinimumApplicationAddress])); Add(Format( 'Highest memory address accessible to applications and DLL - %p', [MySystem.lpMaximumApplicationAddress])); Add(IntToStr( MySystem.dwNumberOfProcessors)+' - number of processors'); Add(FloatToStr( MySystem.dwAllocationGranularity/1024)+ ' Kb - granularity with which virtual memory is allocated'); case MySystem.wProcessorLevel of 3: Add('Intel 80386 processor level'); 4: Add('Intel 80486 processor level'); 5: Add('Intel Pentium processor level'); end; end; end;